Jan 23, 2016Explorer
Sea foam test
I found an interesting video testing to see if seafoam really works. clicky for test He also does a few other tests with products like fuel system cleaners. On edit: Made link a clicky
cbshoestring wrote:
I actually took the time to watch several of the guys videos.
I shoveled once shortly after 5:00, so the wife could go to work, next shovelling is going to be performed by the 23 yr old who is still in bed.
I can waste a Saturday watching videos.
The guy is actually is trying to see what works and what does not. He is then sharing his discovery with Youtube subscribers. Why throw the guy under the bus claiming he is "pusher for seafoam" :h
He DID use it in a car, just like he said he planned on doing. He has videos where he tested a few other additivities and has many tips for cleaning windshields, headlights, etc... He has even posted a follow up (one year later) for his headlight cleaning video.
If you don't want to use seafoam...DON'T. But why claim someone is being fraudelent just cause they shared what they have discovered.