Jay thanks for posting the video. I have been using Seafoam for years but never looked inside the engine. The way I use it is to warm the engine then pour it down the TBI on the MH until it stalls then let it sit for 20 mins. Then restart and see all the mosquito's in the area die. I have never added it to the gas tank. For the generator I do the same thing to clean then add some to a gal of gas and run the generator from the gal can for an hr to exercise and see how much fuel I burn in an hr. I also added it to the crank case of the generator and could not believe the hard carbon deposits in the oil when drained. When added to the MH crank case there was no build up probably because I use syn oil in the MH eng. When I used it on my tow car(165,000 miles) I did throw some engine codes because of the carbon coming off. My experience is that it works good if you allow it to soak. I would be reluctant to use it for the first time on a car with high mileage. Used water when I was a kid tried Techron but did not notice any difference Some people say Berryman's 12 works also but never tried it.