Sea Foam posts come up on here pretty regularly. Just wanted people to know my experience using Sea Foam.
Sea Foam definitely cleans stuff up. But be careful if you've never used it before on the motor you're getting ready to use it on. I used some in a higher mileage engine that caused problems. It freed up stuff really good. To good in fact, it cleaned out the gas tank then those debris plugged up the fuel filter and then plugged up the fuel injectors.
My recommendation for first treatment especially on high mileage motors. Before treatment, change your fuel filter, so you are starting with a clean fuel filter. Then treat with Sea Foam, then change fuel filter every 1,000 miles for 3 times, which is 3,000 miles then change fuel filter every 3,500 miles a couple times, then back to what ever your normal schedule. That should save you from fouling out your injectors.
My experience was on a 5.4 and I got pretty fast at changing filters and could trouble shoot which injector got fouled and could change out a fouled injector in less than 30 min and I also carried 2 spares.