Okay, so now that I'm thinking about it, if I just use a solar parallel connector rated for 30 amps, I could put a waterproof inline fuse on each of the positive leads, then only run one set of wires down, and if I use about ten feet of 10 AWG wire from the parallel connection (48 V, 20 amp), I'll get a 0.87% drop in voltage, which sounds okay to me.
In other words:
Solar panels --> 10 AWG 48 V, 10 amp (maybe 5 feet?) --> parallel connection --> 10 AWG 48 V, 20 amp (10 feet) --> controller --> 2 AWG 14 V, 50ish amps, likely less due to real world numbers (5-7 feet)
This calculator from Renogy recommends 10 AWG if 12 feet or less in the 20 amp run of wire. I think this is very doable and would make my life a lot easier.