Gunship Guy wrote:
Oddly enough, I have found truckers to be more courteous on the road than my fellow rv'ers.
Bill.Satellite wrote:
They generally flash me over when clear so why would I not offer them the same courtesy? My coach, likes others have mentioned above, will flash the high beams even when driving without my lights on. However, I always drive with my lights on! This gives me additional visibility and it also allows me to use the ICC function on my turn signal to flash all lights as a thank you to those who have indicated I can change back again. I drive a lot of Interstate miles (the majority of my driving) so while I have no great love for the trucker I do offer them the respect they deserve. Just like there are bad RVers, there are bad truckers. I just don't blame them all for the actions of a few.
Please, tell me, what country and roads are you guys driving on? I've logged over 20,000 miles dragging my trailer all over the US - from Michigan to Florida, Yellowstone, Colorado, Virginia, Minnesota, etc. On any given trip, I've never been signaled more than 2-3 times. In fact, the number of truckers actively tailgating to deny me an opening to merge outnumbers the courteous drivers by at least 3-4 to one. As a former road warrior (salesman) driving 40,000+ miles a year, I used to have a lot of respect for truckers and would show them a lot of courtesy. Ever since I started pulling my TT, I've come to the conclusion that the majority of truckers are complete jerks, and they see everyone else as interlopers in their "office."