Oh, this is all very helpful. I can use the trailer for three to four days before charging when camping and here at home I would use less in there because I'm not living in it as when camping. I'm very careful about what I use.
I had no idea that I should do something different to the Prosine when I charge with the Honda. I've only done that a couple of times camping so hope I didn't hurt anything. I'll need to look into that for sure.
The reason I wanted to use the 7 pin adapter is that I HATE the sparking business when I hook up anything to the batteries. I am admittedly a "scaredy cat" when it comes to those batteries with the big fat Prosine cables on them. I know, I know, but I just am. I thought this would be an easier way to go about it. Is there something out there for the "battery a-feared" person? Probably not. Dang.
You all really know your stuff and it is helping me to understand how to do this wisely. Power is out when the wind blows wrong here, lol.