Yeah, had my own made a few years ago from the local solar company here in town. They just started making them and since I bought panels from them, they offered me one of the first of these at a decent price. The controller is on the back side of the panels and should be out of the rain.
I will have the panels less than two feet from the batteries. They will sit right in front of the tongue so that should be close enough. Will get direct sun there.
I realize now that this is not my solution to charging my trailer batteries but it could supplement when I am not able to use electricity or generator during the black out times. I can then go in and look on tv to see what is happening and when it may be back on. Just got a UPS for my router and computer as well. I tried to plug those into a little power source but the electronics are pickier these days! This should keep me in the loop.
Thanks to you I now feel a bit more secure with this. There is enough to contend with in the house (no water.. on well pump) with gardens, chickens, sheep, etc. to water and feed). Now, I can relax a bit and am ready for the winter round of things. Seems like it is going out more than it used to.
Once again, I can come to this forum and get intelligent as well as kind and patient answers. I thank you all.