road-runner wrote:
Those voltage readings that change as the service cable is plugged in and breakers are turned on are totally normal and indicate a nice, highly isolated output from the inverter, as well as good isolation in the RV wiring. As wiring is added and loads are connected, capacitive and inductive coupling places voltage on the ground wire as measured against the AC output lines. If everything were perfectly balanced the voltage from each AC output to ground would be exactly half the inverter output voltage. IMO there is not a definitive answer whether bonded or unbonded is safer. When the inverter or generator and RV electrical system have no faults, either way is about as safe as you can get. Once there's a fault, one way will provide better shock protection, but which way depends on the nature of the fault. When on the grid where the power source is intentionally connected to earth ground, there is IMO no safety argument to be made against bonding.
Great post, explains a lot about what is going on ... thanks for your input! :B