I like the 12v T-1275s because they take the high amp load with little voltage drop, almost as well as my AGMs do, and certainly better than my 6s do/did. I only got the AGMs because I needed their no-gassing feature to keep them inside where I had no external battery box in the truck camper we had. Now have them inside the MH, but only because I already had them.
The other thing about these T-1275s is they are not anything like 6s for needing water added often from doing 50-90s. But also --very important!--they do charge up easily to 100% with a good charger unlike those awful 27s I had a while back that refused to bubble at all hardly. I had threads going about tipping them on their sides trying to mix the electrolyte and all that.
So the big 12s act like 6s for ease of recharging, but also take high amp loads better for little voltage sag. Win-win. But they do cost money. But not as much as AGMs!