phemens wrote:
yeah, I'm leaning towards the big 12's, but one thing keeping me back is the weight of each, 132 lbs! Other option is to go with 6 x group 31, they're about 60 lbs each, easier to move around.
The 31s are as bad or worse than those 27s I had! Remember LY's "Screwy 31" thread? The "big 12s" I mean are like the true deep cycle 12s such as the T-1275 or equivalent (if there are any equivalents)
To get your 600AH would be four T-1275s (one 48v golf car's worth---can you get used ones like I did? they last a long time just being an RV battery after two years of golf car abuse - mine are now almost five years with me, but this could be their last year we'll see.)
So 82 lbs each is 328lbs. Don't know the price for new ones. Has to beat any AGM price for 600AH.