As I have pointed out many times, Hoover Dam can be connected and as long as voltage is controlled there is nothing to worry about.
You do not boondock a lot and when you do it's not for long periods of time. The max charge acceptance of a group 24, 10-3/4" long battery is around 40-amps. Six cells of golf car allows 80+ ampere max charge rate. 50% acceptance for the GC220s would be 40+ amps.
If you wish to power lots of hotel load plus charge batteries at max rate then the converter must be even larger capacity. A 60-80 amp unit. Most folks recharge batteries when hotel loads are low in daylight.
Basic calculation reveals a 50-ampere converter to be of rational capacity. Most converters come up short voltage wise charging the final 10%. Your boondocking will be too short a time for this to be an issue. Hope this helps.