If T105s are in your future, Trojan recommends a 10 to 13% rate, so 23.2 to 30.12 amps should be the minimum amperage charger you get, assuming the converter will be powering no loads whilst charging in the Constant current/bulk mode.
As Mex says you can certainly go bigger. I regularly hit my group 31 130 AH flooded battery with 41 amps. It can take a lot more than that when depleted.
If you got an hour to run a generator to charge a depleted battery, do you want it to replace 30 amp hours or 60?
Hint, it's 60.
Also, Trojan recommends 14.8v Absorption voltage. PD only does 14.4v.
Iota will do 14.8v
Powermax will do 14.4v, but will do 14.6v if bought from bestconverter.com.
Powermax also sells the adjustable voltage stageless converters. Nothing Automatic. You can hold Absv for a week if you desire( or forget), or boost voltage in to the mid 15's for an EQ cycle.
Or set it to 13.2v when your batteries are charged or you have all the time in the world to recharge.
These adjustables are nice as one can hold the battery manufacturer recommended absorption voltage for as long as required to max out Specific gravity, and hold it higher to get the most out of the time you have to run the generator.
All the other Automatic 3/4 20 stage options are premature floaters, for fear of overcharging and greedy lawyers.