Thank you all for the comments and suggestions. They are very much appreciated. It's good to see that I'm headed in a more or less reasonable direction...or, at the least, not in a completely insane one.
landyacht318 wrote:
Powermax also sells the adjustable voltage stageless converters. Nothing Automatic. You can hold Absv for a week if you desire( or forget), or boost voltage in to the mid 15's for an EQ cycle.
Or set it to 13.2v when your batteries are charged or you have all the time in the world to recharge.
These adjustables are nice as one can hold the battery manufacturer recommended absorption voltage for as long as required to max out Specific gravity, and hold it higher to get the most out of the time you have to run the generator.
A manually adjustable unit undoubtedly gives the most control and potentially the best performance, but I'd rather have something I don't need to keep track of quite so much. It's not a lot of work to check things from time to time, I realize, but all the little odd jobs that need attention do start to add up and I'd rather spend my time camping than spend it fiddling with converters and appliances and other such odds and ends...and I'm content to accept the lower performance as a tradeoff.
grizzzman wrote:
At best converter in the PD converter section it states that a 14.8 volt converter is coming soon. I would wait for that. 70 amps would be good. Make sure that the converter is mounted close to the batteries with proper wire size and you will be set.
I wasn't aware of the updated PD converters coming soon; I may have to enquire to see how soon is soon. I certainly won't be going anywhere for a little while at least, since I'm still surrounded by a good bit of white stuff.
The existing converter location is not terrible; the leads to the battery are around 5 or 6 feet total.
tenbear wrote:
The 3 PD 9200 series converters are different sizes. This may or not be important to you. The 9260 can be put in the same space as the Magnetek/Paralax converters while the others are bigger.
The PD 4600 series is designed to replace the Magnetek/Paralax converters.
That is a very good point, though it's not a concern for me. The existing converter is a deck mount Magnetek 940 boat anchor in its own (of necessity spacious) compartment.