time2roll wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
This means when the slide out reaches full extension or retraction, the motor clutch causes that ratcheting sound and you release the button(prevents blowing the fuse). IF the Motor ratchets on extension then does NOT on retraction your motor/Clutch is defective. But not worth replacing.
Mine has made the ratchet sound only during extension. Motor stalls at the retraction limit. Has done this since new.
Had assumed this was normal... now I am not sure. No matter, as we never open a fuse.
The Lippert electric in our 2003 ratchets both ways. That's how I know when to let go of the button. There is a 'stop' thingy you can twirl on the rail underneath to pick when it is all the way (can't remember if that is all the way in or all the way out.)
The OP seems to be hitting an obstruction before the slide ratchets on the way in. No idea what that could be. I do know if you drop a pop can on the floor you can get that behind the slide end on the way out and there is a problem till you bring it back in and get rid of the pop can that fell off the counter. :(
What could it hit on the way back in? Maybe the outer seal rubber not folding back and forth properly? Is something on the slide roof not letting it come all the way in?