Thank you all for your advice. This thing definitely has some sort of ratchet clutch arrangement which, as has been stated, lets you know when to let go of the switch. I believe it even says that in the manual. It's a cheap half-assed screw drive; there is no sign of any limit switches from what I can see. The camper is only about four years old and has had light use; hard to believe the clutch went bad but who knows with the cheap way they build these things.
I think I'll go with the self resetting breaker idea and I've already shown her when to release the switch so it won't stress the motor. (I put a small mark on the floor.) Replacing the clutch would seem unnecessary if she's careful. I don't think there is anything stuck in it or jamming because it does close all the way before it pops the fuse.
If it quits completely, she'll just have to sell her first born child and go to the dealer for repairs!
Again, thank you guys for your help. Bob