Onan carbs have some specific attributes which differentiate them from other generators, so solutions which work for a "normal" small engine don't necessarily work.
Specifically, the jets are not removable, and the interior passages are too small to probe and also have 90* bends in them.
Cummins sees these carbs as a consumable, and won't service them.
Based on 13 years of reading postings from other Onan owners with similar issues, the carbs do not respond to Seafoam or sprays.
Running Seafoam in the gas is a good option if the carb isn't blocked, but can't do anything if it can't even get to the blockage. There's no suction to pull it into the passage.
Same thing with spray cleaner -- it can't force its way into a dead end.
An extended soaking (24 hours with some agitation) seems to be the only way for solvent to get to the blockage.
THAT's why I am asking specifically about a solvent for soaking.
Sam, I know that soaking might not work, but I'd rather try using some acetone (that I already own for clean-up), versus dropping $160 on a new carb....
A few people others suggested B12 Chemtool carb cleaner.
B12 is 50% toluene and 25% acetone.
If you think acetone is dangerous, read the sheets on toluene...
Maybe the two combined together are somehow safer?...
After 13 years of reading these forums, and seeing dozens of others posting similar issues, I'm not going to expect solutions which haven't worked for others to suddenly start working here.
If you find that offensive, my apologies.