Slownsy wrote:
I have got what I have which is a great controler and monitor with temp censer, I do not intend to change controler,
You also have got 4 panels, so why not using them. Even if this will lead to changing the controller or adding another one. I would rather got a bigger controller than add another one in parallel. Routing cables is a pain, inside RV space is limited, and a second controller won't make it easier.
Higher capacity controllers that were mentioned here, have a temp sensor too. With your planned trips from Florida to Alaska temp sensor is important.
Flat panel in winter, even in AZ, will collect 1.5-1.7 times less energy than a tilted one.
One thing you didn't mention is WHAT you need your solar for. Occasional charging when opportunity presents itself, without relying on it - like BFL does - is one thing. Charging mostly off solar is another. To figure out whether you need 2 or 4 panels (leaving aside the controller issue), you need to answer this, and also to estimate your daily amp-hour use as others here noted. Since you have a battery monitor, this shouldn't be a problem.
Westend wrote:
For the controller to batteries, I'd use the same AWG 4, depending on the length of run to the batteries.
Or AWG 6. Depends on the length of run. If he decides on mere 2 panels, there is a good chance that AWG 6 will do.