gmelton2 wrote:
Could you point me to a supplier other than eBay. I currently have a personal boycott of Paypal in place. Therefore, since there currently is no other way to pay on eBay, that boycott extends to eBay. I am an Amazon prime customer and would love to know of a source either on Amazon or the great www.
Not RJ, but windynation has a version of the Solar30 I like. It has a wire for its temp comp antenna instead of the usual in- place antenna, so you can remote that if you are really fussy.
Last time I looked (last Fall?) it was more expensive than the basic Solar30 on eBay ( at maybe $50 for the windynation version) Not clear now if they sell it separately from their kits.
Personally I don't care how eBay works. It all ends up on my Visa no matter what. :)