The basics of solar tracking are simple and inexpensive. Making it strong and stable enough for the windage on top of an RV could be challenging. Below is my post from several years back.
I thought that it would be interesting to share ideas on solar panel trackers, especially those that can be used on a RV. The picture below shows a DIY one that is simple and inexpensive.
1. This is a single axis E-W tracker.
2. The elevation is set by manually adjusting the frame.
3. The frame lays flat under the ATVs for transport and the panel is stored on the bed. Setup takes about 15 minutes.
4. The tracker waits for sunrise and then tracks the sun moving the panel every 5 minutes.
5. At night time the tracker returns to the east and waits for the sun.
6. The panel is in the morning position and will rotate CCW to the west.
7. On the lower left of the frame the servo that changes the panel angle is visible.
8. The controller is shown on the lower right corner of the panel and it’s mounted on the panel inside a glass or plastic bottle.
The frame was designed for two panels which is why it's larger than necessary. The owner found that he got so much power from one panel that he didn't need a second panel. The controller can be purchased from
Red Rock. Two LEDs about a inch apart detect the difference in light from the sun and the electronics instruct the servo to position the solar panel. Note: When light shines on a LED it produces a voltage. Many variations of this controller are available including two axis versions.