KenS999 wrote:
What is puzzling to me is that I would always reach Full/Float at 13.6 volts by midday in southwest Arizona according to the charge controller display... until just recently. I guess my charge controller must have been lying to me for the last 3 years and I did not know it. I just don't know.
When my battery was new, it would reach 14.6, stayed there for 1 hour as per controller settings, and go into Float before noon. When it was dying, it would still go into Float on most days but the process was taking much longer. Solar was keeping it alive, just barely, but it was really dying, lights dimmed when I run run water pump after dark.
Another possibility is that your Absorb time is too short so controller is forcing battery into Float before giving it enough juice at the boost stage. As a result, battery would remain undercharged.