pianotuna wrote:
So invest in a volt meter and an ammeter. Far cheaper than a controller.
Or a volt-amper-amperhours meter.
This GT Power will do. It will get you volts, amps and amper-hours flowing into battery. Cheap and accurate.
It can also measure all this in the "other direction", i.e. battery discharge, sort of a poor man's battery monitor. Don't know if it needs any switching for this latter function, but OP only asked about measuring volts and amps of controller.
Ops - MEX beat me to it. I don't know how good is that particular monitor in his link - being more expensive, it is "probably" better. That is - if OP does need to measure more. He only asked about V/A of controller. Some people need to monitor the battery. I don't.
Btw, OP, adding more panels doesn't mean replacing your controller. 20A controller is capable of 250-300W.