We camp mostly in NYS public campgrounds (unless we're on one of our "big trips"). Not quite true boondocking as the bathroom and showers are usually within a few hundred feet and the water spigot is close enough for 1 or 2 garden hoses to reach. What this means is there's almost always some sun within 20-30 feet of the camper due to the campgrounds road/loop/driveway.
I plan on using portable of (1 or 2) 100W panels. I agree, bigger than 100W would be heavy and cumbersome. The charge controller will be in the baggage storage (out of the elements) and I'll be using either:
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0129E1KF8/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2TMUWT3UP72YN&coliid=I2EKXDCZEP5QGPas my disconnect at the RV and for any extension cord(s) that may be needed.
I've seen several posts from people who've built PVC frames to hold the panels in the sun. Maybe not the perfect angle but better than nothing.
I said in the beginning, I have no need for 120VAC stuff. We always cook outside on the grill or camp stove or if really bad outside on the stove top inside. I just don't want to rely on my generator (and yes, it's an invertor genny so it's one of the quite ones but still not silent).
OZ - thank you. I saw and bookmarked your thread a few days ago. Pretty much what I'm talking about but with a different RV so the components would be located differently as well.
I also have the luxury of being able to plug it in to a 30A RV outlet at home to after we return so I can. So in between trips the batt's will be well maintained.
It sounds like my original question isn't an issue? No problems using a MPPT with smaller PV array?