I'm running 520 through my Bogart SC2030. If I recall correctly they said 560 is no problem as it will cut back. Others may offer more advice but if you are going to add more panels later you may want to stick with pwm parallel. If I did it again I would run 600 through it, mine never gets hot. My next issue would be running a residential frig which would need 2 more 6 volts and another 450 watts or so through another Bogart controller. They say you can run 2 controllers and link with the phone cable to the trimetric. I went with narrower 12 volt panels because I can get two strips of them on my roof for a total of 970 w.
Edit: During the winter in socal with tilted panels my system would have no problem replacing 100 amp hours or more with sun left over. In northern Tenn in early April sitting in trees with no leaves I was doing 5 amps in full sun tilted. The waving tree branches killed it.