No fuse between panels. No fuse between panels and controller "array" side. 15a fuse (or same amps as controller with the 20% margin over expected panel amps (Isc) on pos wire between controller and battery within 18 in of battery pos post.
If you will be able to get at it, good idea to have an on/off switch on one of the wires on the array side of the controller. This is better than on the battery side because then the controller stays powered up and keeps any settings when you switch off.
Sometimes you want to check battery with no charging happening that screws up your readings, so good to be able to switch off solar. Also when batteries out, so you don't leave the rig loads right on solar with no battery there--can be bad for some controllers. So switch off solar before removing battery.
Controller goes close to batteries for least voltage drop, but not a show stopper if farther away.
If putting controller close to battery then don't waste money on one that has read-outs on it for amps and volts, since you won't be able to see it :)