One - or the only? ;) - good thing about MPPT is that you can wire panels of any voltage in series, be it 12V or 24V panels. I don't know why using MPPT for 2 parallel 12V panels.
any recommendations for a properly designed system to handle 320 to 480 watts of PV output would be greatly appreciated.
Arrays over 400W normally call for 24V panels. So, there it goes:
#1: Get 2*200W or 2*240W panels, 24V nominal voltage each. Wire them in series with
MC4 extension cable #10.. No junction box is necessary, in this case.
#2: No fuses before controller if using 2*240W in series, but you might add either switch or fuse as a disconnect in accessible location near controller - not really necessary as you can always undo one MC4 connector on the roof. But you do need fuse(s) or breakers after controller.
#3: Use 35-45A MPPT controller - Tristar MPPT 45 maybe. I am very happy with Rogue 30, 2*245W, but Rogue is not available anymore. 30A is on the small-ish side for 2*240, but it should work.
#4: (or should I say, #1?) - read
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