I thought I was keeping the wires as short as possible but I just realized I should have cut them shorter on the controller end. Maybe later. Have to redo the butt joints if I do. I got the panels wired but still have not bolted them on. The holes even on the edges make me nervous.
Yesterday I got the Midnight Solar baby box and solar controller wired and mounted. I chose to use 8 gauge solar wire from the panel connections on the roof and #2 wire to the batteries. I had to make a lot of butt joints to make the connections in the box. The larger wires could not pass two through the strain relief nuts. So I drilled two extra holes on the side of the cover. Then I had to use some more flexible pigtail wire to get to the circuit breaker clamps. All this finagling took me most of the day.
With all the difficulties I forgot I wanted short wires.I had to draw the connections to the circuit breakers for them to make sense to me. Additionally the breakers have a ++ side which just means that the bigger load goes on that side so the batteries on the 45 amp breaker and the panels on the 15 amp breaker.
Today I installed the remote device to view the data from the house. I’m impressed with the Victron reporting tools. The battery monitor and MPPT charger are both Victron so they share a Bluetooth connection. I added a mifi router to my phone account for an additional $10 per month and financed the internet mifi device for $14 a month. I can have it turned off if not using it. So to see the status of the battery and solar charge remotely, (but not the battery temperature from the BMV. Need a separate sensor!) I added a $300 Cerbo GX. Of course it took me some time to wire an additional device to the batteries and figure out how to set it up. I didn’t see the WiFi settings in the menu and I think I had to set up WiFi with the QR code. The WiFi password on the label did not work for me when I just typed it. Then I was able to see the WiFi list in the remote console settings and switch to the mifi. I can see the data if the RV is on Mifi and I’m on my home network.
Lots of wiring in this water compartment. Nice that it is easy to get to. Here is the mounted Cerbo GX.
I received the furniture legs and L brackets today so maybe tomorrow I’ll mount the racks. Maybe I will reconsider the placement too.