X2 (except getting up early)
I miss the larger battery bank I used to have.
But I can make a pot of coffee for about 7 amp-hours, about the same for toast and do a soft boiled egg (steamed actually) for about another 9 amp-hours. The heated water is used for washing the dishes.
Just think how fun it is to have to break camp to go buy propane for a fixed tank! Then you get back and some numbskull has set up in your spot. (The campground host sided with the newcomer btw, in spite of the paid sticker on the post).
BFL13 wrote:
OK :)
My big thing is I get up early. Way too early to run the gen against campground gen hours. So I want my breakfast now! I want toast in a real toaster (high amp draw) not that horrible bread- burner on the stove- top that sets off the fire alarm and gets the dogs barking like mad, waking up the entire campground, who mostly seem to sleep in till lunch-time. :(
Then I want coffee. More inverter draw with an electric kettle unless I boil water on the stove. It happens that if there is some solar available later that day, I will use the kettle instead of stove- propane, which I have to go downtown to a gas station that has propane to replace.
I have a big inverter and enough battery bank to run everything I want without waking everybody up at 0-dark thirty. Later that day, if needed, I can run the gen or if it is sunny, let that sunshine take care of things.
People here, who keep saying, "Leave that big stuff for your gen." must be among those who sleep in past when gen hours start.