JiminDenver wrote:
My basic system is a 230w panel ($50 on CL) a set of solar cords ($32 on ebay) and a $100 Eco-worthy MPPT controller. It can put out up to 16a for most of the day if the need and sun is there.
This year we will also have the second $50 panel along with it's own cords and controller for use on the inverter bank or combined on which ever bank needs that kind of power.
The nicest thing is even though we use the furnace, lights, fans, TV/DVD all day long, our battery is fully charged at nightfall. That's because the basic system can pick up loads as high as 16a while the battery stays in float. Over night with temps in the 20's our grp 27 drops all the way down to 12.57v.
Even with new panels the either system would be $400. You can get a 200w PWM kit for $300 shipped.
I hadn't given a portable solar kit much thought, I will research. Thanks for the info.