I installed 3x250W, MPPT60, remote, etc last Dec for $1447. No panel shipping as I picked them up from Solar Blvd. You can install them to avoid rig shadows as I did. Flat mounted and i got 600W output (45A) on 3/3/15.
I could add a 4th going series/parallel. The MPPT60 will derate to 60A should that ever be reached with 4 panels. But if so it would only be around noon time. For me no tilting and no rig shadows.
MC4 connectors make removing a panel or bypassing a panel easy should that ever be necessary. I carry several spare connectors and wire. 10ga UV wires straight to the controller. 42' + pigtails with almost no loss due to the high voltage.
You have lots of panel room for the 24V panels if you think outside the box. I had a lot less room.
My installation.