BeerBrewer wrote:
Unfortunately the amps that I used for each appliance came from the electrical load rating table in the manual for the trailer. I estimated the number of hours of use for each. For instance the manual claims the Frig uses 3 amps of DC power and 6 amps of AC. I assumed that when using propane there is no AC usage, but I was stuck with the DC. Since the frig runs for 24 hours per day that equated to 72 amp-hours and yet others have said that it uses only 17 to 20 amp-hours. So I TOTALLY agree with you that my numbers look high, but unfortunately I've got nothing else to go on. If you folks have more realistic numbers I'd appreciate it.
is it a 3 way fridge? if it is 2 way I could see that 3 amps while it is doing its lighting and such but would expect it to drop to much lower after it is lit and only run once and a while depending on temp. if it is a 3 way on DC it will be a hog, never use that LOL