TomG2 wrote:
My Renogy Wanderer requires that I connect the battery to the controller and then the controller to the panels when installing. Do I simply disconnect the panels from the controller when in storage? The panels will be in sunshine. Will the controller drain the batteries if left connected?
It depends.
Many Renogy units are lacking necessary features, don't know about yours. If controller has properly adjusted (or adjustable) float setpoint and has temperature compensation - you can leave it connected to both battery and panels. Doesn't sound like yours is properly adjusted. If that Equalization goes on automatically once a week/month like it does on some (usually lower end) units, together with higher Float than normal it will boil water out sooner than you want.
Alternatively, you can disconnect the panels from controller - and then you have to disconnect it from battery as well. Battery should be charged fully before going to storage. Controller will not drain a lot of energy, check the idle current in specs. But it will contribute to total parasitic drain, and IF your battery is flooded then you can't leave it without floating charging for more than a month. Self-discharge in flooded is high, you don't want to aggravate this with controller drain.