dedmiston wrote:
If there's truly a demand for a category (and yes, that's what the sub-forums are called in the UI), then we need to come up with a workable list of other categories that aren't just "everything else".
Yes I now see that Open Roads considers Categories to be sub-forums. I'll try and reverse my thinking.
dedmiston wrote:
The current consensus seems to be to create one category for Solar, Generators, Batteries, etc. and then another category for everything else. I definitely couldn't support this
I couldn't support what you just said either.
You would leave the categories in Technical Resources as is, and add another category "Solar, Generators, and Batteries" or add three categories: "Solar", "Generators", and "Batteries". I don't see the reason for three new categories and would prefer "Solar, Generators, and Batteries", as TurnThePage implied.