The way it is works for me sort of. When I had a 5er I followed that, and now a C I follow that. TC too a little. Agree the truck forum is especially valuable--got/get a lot of help there.
EG, the 5er guys ask about stuff that belongs on Tech Issues and they get some strange answers from other 5er guys.
"Active" makes it easy so you don't have to check each one. Good point that if all there was is the Active one and people chose their subject titles well, that is all you would need to do your picking from.
That would eliminate the confusion where people try Technology first instead of Tech. No "duplicate" posts in other forums either.
The archive search is pretty bad though. Very chancy you can find even your own posts on a topic from ten years ago that is the same thing as somebody wants to know now. Just how it is.
I am glad there will be no changes--old dog new tricks and all that.