I'd also like to challenge you all again to spend some time perusing some of the forums that use categories.
I'd like you all to objectively spend some time in Class A and Toy Haulers (and/or any of the other forums that use categories) and see for yourself whether you love them or not. You might think it sounds like an awesome idea now, but in practice the categories aren't what any of us had hoped they would be.
Also, I don't think anyone has addressed what I brought up previously.
Think about how you'll browse Tech Issues and ask yourself which type of visitor you'll be:
- "Man oh man do I love me some Solar posts. I love Solar and hate everything else, so I'll only look at the Solar sub-forum."
- "Man oh man do I hate me some Solar posts. I hate Solar and love everything else, so I'll click through each of the other sub-forums to read those posts and skip Solar."
- "Don't care. Seriously don't care. I'll never click into any of the sub-forums because it's a waste of my time. It's easy enough to look at the 'Show All' list and see which threads seem interesting enough for me to open and read."
You get the picture. The value of the sub-forums/categories, in my opinion, is negligible and they're actually more trouble than they're worth.
I was teasing when I said to point to the doll and tell me where the other posts hurt you, but nobody has explained yet what the actual pain point is. What are we actually trying to solve? Is it really so burdensome to scroll past the posts about gas fridge ignition to get to the solar threads?
And back to the point about only having suggestions for two categories so far (Solar and Everything else)... To me this doesn't show a need for categories at all. If anything it shows we might have enough interest to create a separate Solar forum. There again though, would it just be Solar, or would it be for all topics about power (Solar, Batteries, Shore Power, and heaven forbid Generators)?