SSD Drive Read Errors
My laptop has a Kimtigo SSD 512GB hard drive. It is divided into 2 partitions. Windows 10 operating system is on the C: partition. All data is stored on the other F: partition. I have good backups of both partitions that are about 6 weeks old. When I attempted to back up (differentially) the F partition today, I get 30 read errors. ScanDisk shows no errors. If this was a spinning hard drive, I would do a surface check.
I will be replacing the drive as soon as I can get one on order. I will probably upgrade to 1 TB SSD drive
Is there a good program to check a SSD drive?
Should I clone the old drive to the new drive or is it better to do a full reinstallation of Windows 10? My laptop will not support Windows 11.
All thoughts and comments are welcome.