Forum Discussion

5thwheeleroldma's avatar
May 14, 2015

Stiff Neck --- New Radar Assisted Car Any Help??

Wife was backing out at Walmart, supposedly hit another car and made slight dent. Think it was a scam, no marks on her bumper, other guy had a small '97 pickup with dents all over it, claimed she dented him. Cop said no matchups between her bumper and his "new" dent.

That's all besides the point; she got really upset and worried over it. My question is, if we traded in our old Sequoia for one of those new models with radar, would it help in such situations? Our necks have gotten stiff and it is hard to look over our shoulders. We look anyway, but this guy showed up just after a look.
  • We Cant Wait wrote:
    IMO an easier solution and it's what I always do, Back into the parking slot, that way you have control of the parking spot before backing in and can see everything, and then when you pull out you're facing forward with a clear field of vision.

    Problem is people are doing this in angled parking lots...idiots.
  • Our Buick Enclave has both the backup camera and the radar sensors. The sensors work really well at sensing items behind the car/SUV/crossover/minivan without sliding doors.

    Ours will pick up most squared off curbs.
    Will pick up walls/fencing to the side as I approach it (even if I would not hit them if I continued to back up straight.

    I have a carport on the side of the house, 3" square tubing, covered with tin. The sensors will notify me of the carport while I'm backing under it, so it is picking up a 3" wide piece of steel that is ~2' to the side of it as it approaches.

    Now a backup camera is a cheap addition to your existing vehicle, and can help in many situations, but I find that I don't actually look at the camera display very much (unless I'm hooking to a trailer or backing up close to something, or when the sensors alert me of something).

    For what it's worth. I almost always park farther out in the parking spaces, usually pull through or on the end, or back in. I look and hope for nobody crammed next to me, makes it easier to load kids in the car seats.
  • I had stiff neck troubles a few years ago and physical therapy really helped. Might be cheaper for you both than a new car, and better for your lives all around.

    And X2 on backing into the parking space. Prevention beats cure any day.
  • We Cant Wait wrote:
    IMO an easier solution and it's what I always do, Back into the parking slot, that way you have control of the parking spot before backing in and can see everything, and then when you pull out you're facing forward with a clear field of vision.

    that's why when possible I always try to find a parking space with both front to front slots open and pull in head first and into the second slot. I am always amazed when I see people who pull into this type of situation and stop half way thru.
  • IMO an easier solution and it's what I always do, Back into the parking slot, that way you have control of the parking spot before backing in and can see everything, and then when you pull out you're facing forward with a clear field of vision.
  • They're not foolproof! My across the street neighbor backed into my larger than life SUV. She told me her car usually beeps before she would hit anything. Oh boy.
  • IMO I would rather have rear view camera than collision warning in the rear. You might want to look and see if there's a car with both?

    PS a coworker has a new Rogue with cameras on all sides; gives a top down aerial view while parking. Really nice.
  • I'm not familiar with the Radar Assist but, our 08 Suburban has a backup camera and the warning sensors.
    They both help while backing.
    I think the Radar Assisted braking would do a good job.

    But, there will always be scammers out there looking for a quick buck.
    You can't be too careful when backing, especially in a public parking lot.