BiggRedd88 wrote:
Its a 20 amp, I may have to get converter, solar panel, or generator before its all said and done. Fishinghat: I saw western washington and had to ask. I'm in spokane right now, just got here this week and its where I bought this mh. Are there any free/affordable places in the area where I can also fish for my meals?
My handle "Fishinghat" is based on owning pleasure boats most of my life, and boating in Puget Sound and in Canadian waters. I'm not all that familiar with fresh water fishing, and my salt water fishing is focused on salmon. The major salmon runs are later in the summer, although there are some species you can catch now. Bottom fish are also available, but I don't know what the seasons are.
As for "free" or affordable places, National Forests are free (I believe) but anything with water/power/sewer is going to charge you, and they aren't cheap. I've never fished using my RV so I don't have any useful suggestions. Wish I could be more helpful.