ljr wrote:
scrubjaysnest wrote:
Clean around the pilot and burner area first.
I just did that. First with sand paper then oven cleaner. The directions said to wait 2 hours.
While sticking my head in the oven with the shelf out and cover off I discovered two separate thermocouples, one just above the pilot and one at the top of the oven.
That leaves me confused enough that, if cleaning doesn't help, it's time to call a pro. I'm near a mobile service company I've used before.
The one on "top" the oven is the TEMP sensor for the tstat. There is only 1 real Thermocoupler. The other is part of the Safety valve for the main burner which would not be a cause of your problem. When BOTH thew Pilot and the Main burner go off together, it is usually the Main Tstat control. But, there were a few models and I cannot remember if they were Suburban models that had defective Pilot assbly's. That caused this type problem. Doug