Suburban uses a simple wiring scheme for their 'standard' water heaters
120V AC
Individual Circuit Breaker feds AC Power to ON/OFF switch (Black Wire)
From On/Off Switch AC Power goes to the set of T-stats (Black Wire)
From Set of T-stats AC Power goes to Element (Black Wire)
Neutral goes from element back to AC Power Panel (White Wire)
12V DC
Fused Circuit feds DC Power to On/Off Switch then to a DC Junction Box (on side of tank)
From Junction Box DC Power goes to Set of T-stats (Red Wire)
From Set of T-stats DC Power goes to Control Module (Red Wire----circuit board could be on tank or attached to cabinet close by)
From Control Module DC Power goes to Gas Valve Solenoids (Brown Wire) and High Voltage DC goes to Spark Electrode (Thick Orange Wire)
DC Power for Fault Light comes from control Module (Blue Wire)
DC Ground from Control Module (Yellow Wire) and Green Ground Wire
Installation/Operation Manual Suburban Tankless