TurnThePage wrote:
Me thinks you both said the same thing. On mine, you turn off the booster. On yours, selecting cable turns off the booster. Six or half dozen.
That so-called "booster" or wall plate you're referring to, the
Winegard RV-7042 being the most common example, is
not a booster as it has
no ability whatsoever to amplify the antenna signal. :R All it does is route either the cable feed to the television when switched OFF or route the antenna feed to the television when switched ON, and in this ON position it's also supplying 12 vdc to the antenna head where the actual signal boosting circuitry is located. Only if one replaces a standard non-amplified wall plate with one such as a Winegard SignalPro that does offer signal amplification / attenuation can one refer to it as a "booster". As this relates to the OP, if he intends to use a non-amplified antenna head and feed that into his rig's cable input it will work just fine as long as he sets his wall plate to CABLE. However, if he intends to use an amplified antenna head then he'd need a stand alone power supply that would power that head. Alternately, another solution would be to disconnect the cable from the rig's roof mounted antenna and switch it over to the CABLE feed running in from outside, connect his secondary powered antenna head to that cable input feed, but run the wall plate in the ANTENNA mode. Unfortunately the OP hasn't provided any detail at all as to what type of antenna he has on his rig nor what type of secondary antenna he plans to use, whether it's amplified or just passive.