Lspangler wrote:
My plan is to buy a proggressive industries EMS. Not a huge difference wether I buy 50 or 30 amp version
I use a 50 amp female to 30 amp male at the side of my trailer. Then 30 amp cords exclusively. I see now they sell 25ft cords with 50A female and 30A male ends
OK, so now we're getting somewhere. :) So - the reason "everything works" on 30 amp service is that 50 amp female > 30 amp male dogbone you're using on the side of your trailer applies the single hot leg provided by 30 amp campsite service to
both hot legs of your 50 amp rig, the caveat being you're limited to a maximum of 30 amps rather than 100 amps (2 legs x 50 amps each).

If you buy a
portable EMS and want to plug it into 30 amp service then the most obvious choice is to buy a 30 amp EMS ... however, if you'd prefer a
hard wire version which would be wired in
inside the trailer then a 50 amp version would be the logical choice. Yes, you could buy 50 amp portable version and dogbone it to make your connections but that seems to me to be a lot of unnecessary fussing around when installing a 50 amp hard wire to me would seem to be the most logical approach with a rig wired with 50 amp service.