Rubber Ducky1 wrote:
If you had to choose between a Progressive Industries EMS-PT50X and a Southwire Surge Guard 34950 which would you buy? I'm on a seasonal sight so I'm plugged into campground shore power 24/7.
Depends.. The Southwire has a 1 year warranty.. Last I checked (And this MAY have changed) the PI unit had a limited lifetime warranty (Limited to the original purchaser) Thus if I had my choice.. The PI.
However since the sale price on the Southwire was around half the cost of the PI unit when I bought it.. went with the Southwire + reomte.
my first southwire was a plug in (portale) I got basically free with a bad outlet.. I fixed the outlet and it worked fine for quite some time then one day.. NO POWER
The new one is a hard wired with remote but.... Due to the nature of my electrical set up I converted it to a plug in (used the plug and socket off the old one) Only problem I've had to date is with the socket and that was easily fixed. Oh and the Southwire is easier to install.