I've got a pair of FS Ride rites on my DodgeVan and love them.
10 more PSI in the drivers bag levels it out. Generally keep 15 passenger side 25PSI drivers side to keep the same height between tire and wheel well lip front and rear.
Greatly reduced lean in turns and being pushed around on the highway by big rigs. 50 PSI rides rough adds 2 inches of height, but turns flat. I believe increasing the rear ride height too much stresses the U joints more and reduces front suspension caster which increases highway wandering.
100 PSI adds over 4 inches to rear ride height compared to 0 PSI.
Individually plumbed with the Shrader valves inside the van, and a masterflow mv-50 next to them. Takes about 35 seconds to reach 100 psi per bag.
Great for leveling out campsites/ parking spots.