Owners and shops tend to focus on big-ticket items like Springs, Shocks and Ball Joints. They're all important but so are smaller items like Bushings. Your Control Arms have Bushings. Your rear springs have bushings in both ends plus another in the Shackles. They all contribute to ride and handling.
Neighbor brought is Firebird over, saying he had Estimate for $xxx.xx for Ball Joints and did the car need them. We decided that it did NOT, but what it really needed was Lower Control Arm BUSHNGS. Bushing is pressed into Control Arm, OK? There's the outer shell, pressed into the arm, then rubber then inner bushing. Rubber was GONE. Inner Bushing had rubbed through Outer Bushing and cut a track into the ARM. How in H-E-double-hockey-sticks can somebody inspect a front end and render an estimate and not see that? Longer to fix at less profit is my guess...