I had to replace my JENSEN CAR RADIO in my POPUP.
Keeping my BATTERY DRAIN situation at a minimum I decided to wire in a ROCKER SWITCH to act as the ignition key function for the new Jensen Car Radio.
The original JENSEN CAR RADIO installation had both the 12VDC primary fused lead and the IGNITION KEY lead going directly to the 12VDC connection.
This places a small DC CURRENT drain on the battery setup which over time would add to the slow parasitic DC POWER DRAIN on the battery.
Now I can totally turn off the JENSEN Car RADIO by turning OFF both switch actions.
This action of course will remove your favorite radio setting but those are easy to reset when you get to your new camping location and then you would never turn off the radio just the ignition key function switch.
All of the local radio station and other local settings would remain active as long as the radio main section remains turned on.
You can see my IGNITION KEY rocker switch in this photo at the right of the Jensen Radio.

Roy's image
This may not be an important issue in your radio setup...
Roy Ken