"With PWM you would in theory see about 5.6 amps from each panel for a total of 11.2 or a total of 140 watts actual power output (11.2 x 12.5)
With MPPT you would in theory see 200/12.5 or 16 amps. In theory the MPPT drives the panels at max power"
I already get Isc of 12.6 amps on the 200w worth of panels till batt voltage rises into the mid 13s and the IV curve lowers the Isc a bit before it falls off a cliff at about 15v.
In a test I would note the PWM amps and batt voltage and what the MPPT did in amps at the same voltage. It seems that the MPPT gain would be a higher percentage at a lower batt voltage.
Somebody here said he has two controllers, one MPPT and one PWM, so why isn't he already testing this? Just lazy I expect! :)