KotzurJ wrote:
The Furnace is a SF-35f Model number
This particular Model requires you to remove the furnace for troubleshooting and repair. It does NOT have the Outside access door. BUT, Since the Oven is on top, it would be easier to remove the Oven assbly to access the 4 wires at the furnace. You are looking for 2- Blue wires. One of the blue will have 12 volts. Makes no difference which one. Just test BOTH for 12 volts. IF no 12 volts, the furnace 12 volt power fuse or reset switch is tripped. The furnace has a black small On/Off switch in the outside casing. This will usually trip if you shorted the wires when replacing the tstat. The Oven only has 4 or 6 screws holding it in and the LP gas line which you disconnect. Turn the LP OFF at the tank first. Doug