After a few tens of millions of solder joins (15,000 alternators drag boats like the Kelley II, soldering is not unknown to me :). But finding a non clumsy heating tip is/was a challenge. If the 5vdc unit heats up fast enough I'll use a foot switch on the AC to 5 volt power supply.
When they were wheeling me into the surgery ward for a pacemaker implant, I yelled "STOP!" at the doorway.
Over the table was a monitor that must have measured 80" x 30" probably at 10x diopter. A cellphone is way too small of a display but a gooseneck camera and a 24" flat panel isn't. Now to find the parts...
At surgery someone quipped "Anxiety Attack" and the next thing I knew I woke up 2 hours later. They had jabbed the IV with some unknown drug. Explaining it to the recovery RN was fruitless. She kept giving me knowing looks.