I am on well water in my house. As such, the water looks apparently clear when it comes out of the faucet. But let it sit for just a few minutes, and it begins to get gray. It's very noticeable when taking a bath, and the stains in the sinks, toilet, and tub all turn red with rust very fast, regardless of cleaning. The smell of the water seems to sour after a while (like if you don't flush the toilet for a few hours and then flush).
My suggestion, check your water source. Experiment with a bucket of water from the source. That may be all the problem.
By the way, the solution to our house problem, we had a Kenitico Water system installed (whole house), and all of that is now gone. Only cost (after purchasing the filtration (sand and charcoal tanks), is the cost of salt for the water softener feature. It uses no electricity.