It's important to understand that siding a house has NOTHING to do with siding a trailer. I have sided too many homes to count, and re-skinned two "sticks n' tin' trailers. The big difference is that residential siding is "hung" on a building as a exterior finish, NOT a water tight skin. trailer siding is tightly attached with a lot of sealing and detailing at every point where water might enter. Building siding is quite the opposite. The ends and edges of home siding panels are loosely slid into various trim pieces to hide them. I guarantee that if you decide to let a local siding contractor take a shot at it you will have one of two outcomes. First, the honest, competent ones will refuse the job, the others will give you a job that will leak like a screen door, and rot the structure out in a hurry. As for any type of aluminum siding being available at a local distributor, good luck. Here in the northeast, my local guys can order a few limited styles and colors of the stuff. In this area, it pretty much disappeared as a commonly used product about 25 years ago.